6 Household Tricks for Getting Rid of Poo Stains

It happened. The toddler you love so much just had an accident in the worst way, leaving stains all over their new adorable sheets. No one plans for these things to happen, but they're a part of life. Everyone is safe, and no one is seriously in danger, but you're left wondering how on earth you can prevent the stains from being permanently set-in.

Outside of this instance, another common run-in with this kind of stain is in underwear. Even adults have natural bodily functions that leave marks. Luckily, there are several solutions for you to get unsightly marks, stains, and scents out of your tighty-whities. Whether you're dealing with stained underwear or sheets, you can try these six tricks to get your soiled fabric back to its original state.

Before Removing the Stain

In a panicked state, you may be tempted to start scrubbing the unfavorable mess right away. The smell alone could lead you to quickly attempt all kinds of things to clean the soiled garment. Before you decide to dive into cleaning, there are a few preliminary precautions you should take. Unfortunately, human and animal waste can transmit all kinds of diseases if handled improperly. These precautions will help you to stay sanitary while prepping to clean the stain successfully. 

  1. Wear gloves when dealing with waste of any kind. 
  2. Try not to use hot water on your garment or fabric, but run cold water through the material on the opposite side of the stain if possible. 
  3. If you can't run cold water from the other side, use a damp cloth to break up and remove the mess. Then, use a dry rag afterward to lift the stain. 
  4. Do your best not to machine-wash and dry the fabric if the stain is still on it at all. Doing so could cause the unfortunate markings to set in even more. 

1. White Vinger 

White vinegar is a tried-and-true resource for getting out multiple kinds of messes. In order to use it to remove the messy stain from your fabric, you'll need to dilute it first. 

Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with 1.5 quarts of water in a spray bottle. Spray that solution onto your stain and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Then, attempt to scrub the garment once the solution has interacted with the stain. 

2. Dishwashing Liquid 

Dishwashing liquid is terrific at removing messes from your dishes, and it can help remove poo stains from your clothing as well. To use dishwashing liquid in stain removal, you'll want to keep your white vinegar involved as well. 

In a bowl, mix 1/2 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water. Using a sponge, saturate this mixture into the stain and then use another clean, white cloth to blot the solution-soaked stain and lift it out of the fabric. 

3. Hydrogen Peroxide and Ammonia 

Keep in mind that this method requires an eyedropper for the best results. If you're dealing with a stubborn stain that won't come out, try dropping some hydrogen peroxide onto your stained fabric along with 1-2 drops of ammonia. After dropping both solutions onto your garment, go back to the sponge and blot method. Sponge cold water onto the material and then blot with a dry rag until the stain lifts. 

4. Baking Soda 

A tool that will help with this method is a disposable toothbrush or soft dishwashing brush. Once you've removed any excess waste with cold water, sprinkle some baking soda onto your fabric. Using your soft-bristle dishwashing brush or toothbrush, gently scrub the baking soda into the stain. This method is also an excellent gentle preparation before using chemical stain removers on your fabric or garment. 

5. Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice is not only a flavorful addition to many dishes, but it also contains natural cleansing properties if you're looking for a natural approach to removing your stain and cleansing the materials. 

For this trick, mix one-part lemon juice to four-parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the lemon water solution onto the stain and leave it there for around half an hour. After that, use a soft bristle brush to scrub the stain. 

TIP: Keep in mind that lemon juice also has natural bleaching properties, so it's a terrific solution for light materials but is a trick to avoid for dark fabrics.

6. Friction 

If the poo stain in question landed on a more durable material, you could try this method. You will need dish soap, ammonia, and a rough rag you don't mind getting dirty for the best results. If you've got a sharp edge lying around, that may help, too. 

First, soak the material entirely in lukewarm water for a few minutes. Add the dish detergent and ammonia to the mixture. Then, use the rough rag to rub off the stain or the sharp edge to scrape the fabric's remaining stain. 

(Remember: Ammonia is hazardous to inhale in large concentrations. If possible, try the methods including ammonia outdoors or in a room with a window opened.)

What About the Smell?

After you've done your best to remove the markings left by poo on your sheets, couch, or clothing, you may be able to get the stain out almost entirely. You may also take a whiff of the material and notice that there is still a faint smell left behind. There's no need to worry. Here is a trick to remove unwanted poo smells from clothing or other fabric:

As surprising as it may seem, you can use vodka to help eliminate the smell of poo that may linger on a pair of underwear. You might think to dilute this substance, but undiluted, flavorless vodka in a spray bottle will work best for this solution. Spray vodka on the smelly area and leave it to evaporate. The properties in this spirit help to deodorize and neutralize your article of clothing. 

Is There Any Way to Avoid Poo Stains Before They Happen?

Rewind to our scenario from earlier with the toddler. What if you didn't have to panic about the stain setting into his or her sheets? One way to prevent the burdensome task of stain-removal is to invest in sheets that are stain-resistant. Our high-quality microfiber sheets for kids are 100% polyester, hypo-allergenic, and resistant to fading, staining, and wrinkles.  

Another way to prevent stains from setting in further is to look over clothing articles before they go into the wash. If you notice a set of sheets with a poo stain from before a previous wash, set it aside to reduce the discoloration. Running your marked items through a wash and dry cycle that's too hot can make a temporary stain become a permanent one. It may be best to hand-wash and dry them, which can also preserve your clothes and sheets' quality. 

The same goes for your kids’ underwear. When you buy durable underwear made of quality cotton, you know that it will stand up to your washing machine and any stain removal that you have to do. A quality product is always going to be the most stain-resistant, and kids’ underwear is no exception.

To Sum it Up 

It's hard to know what to do in the heat of the moment when a child or animal has an accident. Your first instinct may be to rinse the soiled garment immediately in steaming hot water, but that could make matters worse. Don't worry! Safe solutions that can make a difference are closer than you think. These six tricks may help you get the stains out of your fabric using household items that are within your reach.  




