Do You Wash Your Sheets Enough?

It may already be the question looming in the back of your mind. 'Do I wash my sheets as often as I am supposed to?' Some people are on top of their responsibilities and might even have a regularly-scheduled wash day for sheets and pillowcases. Others might find washing sheets to be a never-ending chore that isn't a priority. Regardless of which group describes you right now, let's take a look at why to wash your sheets!

Reasons to Wash Your Sheets 

If you're finding yourself less-than-motivated to wash every set of sheets in your household, it might be a good idea to review the reasons why washing your sheets is beneficial. As a friendly reminder, here are a few of the benefits of washing your sheets regularly:

General Dust and Germs from the Day

As you roam about in public through your days, you could be picking up germs along the way. It's not fun to think about, but your jeans, shoes, and outerwear are scooping up some bacteria (though not dangerous) from high-contact surfaces when you travel from place to place. If you sit on your bed or take a nap in your clothes, germs might transfer to your bedding, too.

Body Oil and Sweat 

Your body naturally produces oil to keep your skin from becoming dry. You also sweat to keep your body temperature regulated and to expel toxins from your body. Though you may not feel these things happening as you sleep, the oil and sweat you produce end up soaking into your sheets every night. 

Dead Skin Cells 

It's not pleasant to think about, but as human beings, our skin naturally flakes off during the day as it heals and regenerates. Microscopic (or visible) flakes of dead skin from your body and scalp can end up scattered throughout your sheets and pillowcases. Regularly washing your sheets prevents these tiny skin flakes from building up over time.

Sick Household Member 

Whenever a family member or housemate gets sick, it's important to remember to sanitize common areas. You'll want to pay special attention to the bathroom and kitchen, since the ill person may be making trips to those rooms. It's also essential to remember to wash sheets and blankets throughout the house to minimize sickness transfer. Remember to add common area blankets to the wash, too, since the sick person may have used one to cover up.

Dust Mite Skeletons and Fecal Matter 

Ew. No one wants to imagine hundreds of tiny dust mites congregating in their sheets. Though it's a nasty picture, dust mites leave their skeletons and fecal matter behind in your sheets often. If you're not careful to wash your sheets often, you may begin to notice allergic reactions to dust mite skeleton and fecal waste. Washing or drying sheets at high temperatures helps kill these pests.

Clean Sheets are Comfy Sheets 

Imagine showering after a long day at work, getting dressed in your coziest pajamas, and heading to bed. You're hoping to slip into clean, fresh sheets and doze off to sleep. If you instead found that your sheets felt grimy and contained miscellaneous crumbs, you'd be disappointed at best. Washing sheets on a regular schedule can improve your comfort level as you drift into dreamland.

How to Wash Your Sheets 

We've now reviewed a few of the reasons sheets become dirty. Your body's natural oils, skin shedding, and dust mites are the main culprits at hand. Washing your sheets every 1-2 weeks can reduce the amount of build-up from these contributors. If you're still wondering how to clean your sheets properly, keep the following tips in mind.

Use Caution with your Water Temperature

Hot water kills germs, but it also weakens the fibers of cotton sheets. If you have white microfiber sheets or prioritize killing dust mites, use the hot water setting. Using hot water on cotton sheets may cause shrinkage and color-fading. Use cold water if you need to wash colorful/dark fabrics, but make sure to dry them with high heat to kill any remaining dust mites.

Stick with Mild Detergent 

Do you find that your sheets often feel stiff after you wash them? Try using a milder detergent. A mild detergent can also reduce color fading. If you want to ensure your sheets get thoroughly rinsed of their detergent, add one cup of white vinegar to your sheets' rinse cycle. 

Other Tips for Keeping Clean, Comfortable Sheets 

Are you finding yourself inspired to give your household's sheets a meticulous cleaning? It takes some intentionality, but it's worth the extra work to ensure your family has spotless, sanitary sheets. Here are a few more helpful tips for maintaining clean bedding!

Keep Several Sets On-Hand 

Washing one set of sheets and pillowcases every 1-2 weeks would be hard to do. Make it easier on yourself by having backups. Providing several sheet sets for each bedroom in your house is a good practice for maintaining clean bedding. You can switch your dirty set for a clean one and later wash multiple sets at once to save time. It's also a quick way to ensure guests have fresh bedding when they visit.

Try Microfiber Instead of Cotton 

If you noticed visible stains in your underwear, you'd likely want to wash them carefully or replace them. Stains in your sheets deserve the same attention and care. If you want more durable sheets that will last through numerous washes, try switching to high-quality microfiber sheets. Consider buying more than one set so you can switch them out often.

How Often to Wash Each Item in Your Bedding 

Pillowcases: Once a week! Pillowcases have direct contact with the dirt on your skin. Your face is also more sensitive to bacteria and may begin to break out more quickly than, say, your legs. Wash these regularly to keep your skin clear!

Duvet Covers: You can wash your duvet covers every 14-30 days. If you don't use a top sheet, your duvet cover will directly contact your skin each night. If you use a top sheet, your duvet cover should still receive individual attention often. Since people often sit on their duvet cover or put items such as backpacks or laptops on top, bacteria from public spaces may transfer. 

Comforters: Try to wash your comforters at least once every two months! For the same reasons as duvet covers, your comforter deserves individual washing every other month. 

Blankets: Guests often use your throw blankets to keep warm in your house if they're a little chilly. These blankets are not used as often as the sheets on your bed, so you can stand to wash them once every other month.

Pillows: Some pillows are washable! If your throw pillow or pillow is machine-washable, you should have it cleaned every 4-6 months.

Final Thoughts 

With the business of life and everyday family demands, washing sheets can be hard to remember, and here at Mallary by Matthew, we understand that. Especially if you have several children or family members who live with you, washing each sheet set every week could seem nearly impossible to do! Keeping several sets of microfiber sheets on-hand is a terrific way to reduce your wash load and ensure sheets stay clean. 



How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets? | Sleep Foundation  

Do you wash your sheets enough? Probably not | CNET 

Here's why you should never sit on your bed in outside clothes | Today